Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"CYFS watch" - what a bunch of losers

Have you ever seen such fine arguments for euthenasia as the "contributers to CYFSwatch"?? (see www.cyfswatch.blogger.com (now replaced by http://www.cyfswatch.org/, but still as pathetic))

Here's a group of people who are unable to raise children properly, and then whine and cry about CYFS doing their job.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that they also complain long and hard about CYFS not doing their job properly when kids get beaten to within an inch of their lives or killed.

Let's face it - if these people had an ounce of decency or ability they would never have come to CYFS attention in the first place. They are poor parents. They show why breeding should be licenced!

I've had experiences with CYFS too - they were universaly helpful with identifying a condition one of my children had, and once identified on how to cope with that condition. Life has been a hell of a lot better since then!

get real people - if CYFS have you in their sights then it's time you got sterilised to ensure you don't keep screwing up!!


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